Notary Dr. Till Schemmann
- Legal studies in Bonn, Hamburg, Munich, Cambridge (LL.M.)
- Notarassessor (Acting notary) from 1998 to 2000 in Heilsbronn and Hilpoltstein
- Managing Director of the Bundesnotarkammer (Federal Chamber of Notaries) in Berlin until 2005
- Lecturer at Humboldt University of Berlin from 2004 to 2007
- Notary in Munich since 2005 - successor to notary Dr. Gerrit Brachvogel

Dr. Till Schemmann
Notary Dr. Helene Ludewig
- Born and brought up in Munich
- Legal studies in Heidelberg
- Notarassessorin (Acting notary) in Mühldorf and Munich
- Managing Director of the Notarkasse AdöR (Notaries’ Fund) in Munich until 2007
- Notary in Munich since 2007 - successor to notary Horst Bender
- President of the Notarkasse AdöR (Notaries’ Fund) since 2020

Dr. Helene Ludewig
Notarassessor Dr. Stefan Neuhöfer
A Notarassessor is a fully qualified lawyer assigned to a notary for training until he or she can apply for his or her own notarial position. A Notarassessor acts in place of an absent notary in notarisations, meetings and for other official acts and often takes on the handling of particularly complicated matters.